VJ AliK aka Ali Künnemeyer
Seit 1984 auf den Bühnen Europas tätig.
Künstlerische Visualisierung, Content-Design für Videoprojektionen, Logo-Animation, Showlighting, Lichtregie, Bühnenlicht-Design, Programmierung von Showabläufen, Medienproduktion
DJs und Party-Events:
DJ Gregory (F), Ritchie Hawtin, Hed Kandi-Partys, Dan Rockz, Bela Njari, David Puentez, Clubrockerz-Partys, etc.
Massive Töne, Die Fantastischen Vier, Dacia Bridges u.v.a.
Produktionen für:
BOSCH, Daimler AG, Vodafone, Buddhalounge Red Mandarin, ClubRockerz, N-Pir, ZAPATA, u.a.
Hebe Medien, Nixdorf Veranstaltungen, EM Works, X-Clusive-Stars u.a.
Since more than 25 years VJ AliK (Ali Künnemeyer) is in the electronic event technic business as a lighting-operator and „visual decorator“.
Starting with analog lighting systems he was one of the first lighting operators with a digital mixing-console.
On a tour with the famous german Band „Die Fantastischen Vier“ he had contact with a „Varylight“-System, the first moving-head-system invented by Genesis.
5 Years later every band had the moving-heads in their show, so had AliK.
But as times are changing also moving-heads went old fashioned, means „boring“.
At a concert of Andy Y he met Swen Seyerlen (VJ R:A:U:L) who made the live-visuals and AliK was fascinated by this new technic.
To make it short, AliK and Swen found out that they have the same interests in lighting and visualization.
After working together on some disco-shows, Swen took Alik to Mannheim where the B-Seite-Festival was organized.
AliK joined the festival and is now a member of the core-team organizing the annual festival.
2010 Swen, AliK and Benni Jantzen, the founder of B-Seite, startet their own business under the name „Lichtinstallationen.com“, a new-media-agency witch is specialized in projection mapping and LED-Lighting.